Published On: June 22, 2021   Category: High School L, Middle School L, Secondary


Venue:  Live streaming on Zoom meeting in class III C.


International Yoga Day is observed every year on June 21st since 2015, following its inception in the United Nation General Assembly in 2014. A record one hundred and seventy-seven countries supported the Resolution.

Yoga is a physical, mental and spiritual practice that originated in India and encourages people to lead a healthier life.

But due to the ongoing pandemic and maintaining social distancing norms Manovikas English Medium School observed the 7th International Yoga Day through the digital platform, live streaming was conducted via Zoom. The theme of the programme was “How to strengthen immunity system and increase O2 level”.  A total of not only one hundred students but also parents and teachers participated whole heartedly in the event.

The programme commenced with a prayer, followed by a speech delivered by our Principal Mrs. Maria Norman. The Lamp of Light and Knowledge was lit and Sir. Anup Vernekar spoke on building-on-building immunity and building-oxygen-levels.

Our Physical Education Teacher’s Sir Ashish Shirodkar, Tr. Vijayshree Naik and Tr. Leincy Peixoto began the yoga session with   Suryanamaskar for warm-up . it was followed by different yoga Asana related to strengthening of immune system and increasing O2 level (Utkatasana, Shalabhasana, Bhujangasana, Pavanmuktasana, jathara Parivartanasana, Marjariasana, Adhomukhsuanasana, Balasana).

Every asana performed was directed by Sir Anup Vernekar who explained the health benefits of all the asanas performed.

Tr. Yasmin Khan and Sir Revellino flawlessly managed everything from setting up the Zoom meeting, creating link, admitting all participants as well as capturing a recording of the entire session from start to finish.

The event was concluded with Vote of Thanks by Tr. Yasmin.


Venue:  Live streaming on Zoom meeting in class III C.

International Yoga Day is observed every year on June 21st since 2015, following its inception in the United Nation General Assembly in 2014. A record one hundred and seventy-seven countries supported the Resolution.

Yoga is a physical, mental and spiritual practice that originated in India and encourages people to lead a healthier life.

But due to the ongoing pandemic and maintaining social distancing norms Manovikas English Medium School observed the 7th International Yoga Day through the digital platform, live streaming was conducted via Zoom. The theme of the programme was “How to strengthen immunity system and increase O2 level”.  A total of not only one hundred students but also parents and teachers participated whole heartedly in the event.

The programme commenced with a prayer, followed by a speech delivered by our Principal Mrs. Maria Norman. The Lamp of Light and Knowledge was lit and Sir. Anup Vernekar spoke on building-on-building immunity and building-oxygen-levels.

Our Physical Education Teacher’s Sir Ashish Shirodkar, Tr. Vijayshree Naik and Tr. Leincy Peixoto began the yoga session with   Suryanamaskar for warm-up . it was followed by different yoga Asana related to strengthening of immune system and increasing O2 level (Utkatasana, Shalabhasana, Bhujangasana, Pavanmuktasana, jathara Parivartanasana, Marjariasana, Adhomukhsuanasana, Balasana).

Every asana performed was directed by Sir Anup Vernekar who explained the health benefits of all the asanas performed.

Tr. Yasmin Khan and Sir Revellino flawlessly managed everything from setting up the Zoom meeting, creating link, admitting all participants as well as capturing a recording of the entire session from start to finish.

The event was concluded with Vote of Thanks by Tr. Yasmin.